Learn more about the guidelines for making departmental purchases including UT Market, purchase orders, Amazon/online ordering, shipping and receiving, computers and t-shirt purchasing.

NOTE: Anyone submitting a purchase request for a professor will need to include an email with the professor’s approval before the order can be placed.

UT Market

NOTE: This is the preferred method of purchasing and required for any merchant listed on UT Market.

If ordering from UT Market, create a shopping cart with the item(s) needed first and then assign the cart to the ASE/EM staff purchaser. The person who created the cart will receive emails as the cart is processed and approved. The upside to using UT Market is convenience and better pricing (contract items are lower than on a vendor’s website). There are several vendors such as Grainger, DigiKey, and MSC offering items in different areas such as computer and lab supplies. Download the UT Market Approved Vendors document for a complete list. Office supplies should be purchased through UT Market-Today’s Business Solutions.

Purchase Orders

A quote from the vendor is required for all purchase orders. The quote should include the vendor’s contact information (address, phone number, name of contact person and email address), a description of each item including part/stock #, price per item, quantity needed, shipping/delivery charges, F.O.B., and Lead Time. A vendor’s quote will normally include these things. Download the Point Plus Approved Vendors document for a list. Please note: the University operates with a Net 30 payment. No partial or pre-payments are allowed. When approved, the ASE/EM staff purchaser will email a copy of the purchase order to the vendor and the person who submitted the request. Access the online Purchase Request System.

Amazon/Online Orders

To purchase from an online vendor, please email your request to the ASE/EM purchaser and include direct link(s) to each item(s) being requested in the body of the email. The link should take them directly to the item and not just the vendor’s website. This ensures the correct item is ordered. Please include quantity, size, color, (if applicable) on your request. Please note that orders from a vendor that the University has not worked with will require vendor setup and can take 1-2 weeks.

Exclusive Acquisition Justification (EAJ)

For orders over $15,000, additional information will be needed. See Solicitation Procedures, Purchasing Process.

Shipping and Receiving

Incoming and outgoing packages require shipping label forms for both domestic and international shipping. The form must be filled out completely. Please allow a minimum of 60-90 minutes to complete domestic requests and 120 minutes for international requests. Save the completed label and send to the ASE/EM purchaser.

Domestic Shipping Label Forms
Outgoing ASE/EM Shipment Information
Incoming ASE/EM Shipment Information

International Shipping Label Forms
Outgoing ASE/EM Shipment Information
Incoming ASE/EM Shipment Information

Receiving Address
The University of Texas at Austin
Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
2617 Wichita Street, ASE 2.232 / C0600
Austin, TX 78712

Computers, Printers, Etc.

Any computer, printer, accessories, or software orders should be sent to Scott Messec. When he receives your request, he will review it to be sure it meets UT guidelines, is compatible with what the department already has, and includes everything needed.   

NOTE: A student submitting a purchase request for a professor will need to include an email with the professor’s approval before the order can be placed.

T-Shirt Purchasing

The department’s process for purchasing printed materials, including t-shirts is:

  • Find a vendor on the approved licensed vendor list and get a quote. The department has used Austin Screen Printing, which is on the approved vendor list.
  • Send the proposed design in PDF format (front and back of the shirt), in a single PDF document to the ASE-EM purchaser, along with vendor name, a contact name and email, quote, and details (exact quantity, colors used, purpose, etc.).
  • The Department will submit to the UT Office of Brand, Trademarks and Licensing.
  • Once approved by Trademarks and Licensing, the order will be sent to the vendor. The vendor will communicate directly with the contact name provided.

NOTE: Please allow two weeks for approval by Trademarks and Licensing.